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Great Christian Thinkers - 63 St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Great Christian Thinkers - 63 St. Elizabeth of Hungary
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Another great woman of the Middle Ages who inspired the greatest admiration is St. Elizabeth of Hungary, also called St. Elizabeth of Thuringia… Taken from Great Christian Thinkers by Pope Benedict XVI
Arthur's Call - Arthur's vocation
Arthur's Call - Arthur's vocation
by SPCK - Frances Young
7 Arthur’s vocation Silent Word A man with a message? Half-focused eyes look up to the sky Through long thin fingers, gently splayed And slowly waved, like flesh-tinged twigs Obliquely catching light from the sun – Not grasping, demanding or easily bored, Just intrigued by finger
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)
by Andrew T Murphy
[A slightly revised version, to replace the earlier version] "Justice has been done"? How does God deal with sin? What is justice? Surely it is more than simply punishment or revenge. This is a big hymn which asks for a big theory of atonement, exploring the wealth of rich
Hymn: Caught between the world and heaven
Hymn: Caught between the world and heaven
by Michael Docker
Caught between the world and heaven We seek God's face, Looking down yet upward driven; We seek God's face; Always facing daily dangers, Never far from dreams of angels; Trusting that God's truth will change us, Ours is God's grace. Taught of Christ who shared our sorrow, We seek
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 6 Year A
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 6 Year A
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Lectionary reflections - Year A Ordinary Time Proper 6 Exodus 19.2–8a Romans 5.1–8 Matthew 9.35—10.8 Christians know that, through the work of God in Christ, made real to them by the Holy Spirit, the world is a different place. We are, to use Paul’s characteristic phrase, ‘justif
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 12 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 12 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 12 Traces of Glory Year B Lord, throughout our lives we hunger and thirst for you, we long for you, we look for you; nothing in this world can fill us unless you come to us. Lord, we will perish, we will sink amid the storms unless you uphold us, come enfold us in your pea
Lectio Divina - Is a spiritual approach to the Bible relevant today?
Lectio Divina - Is a spiritual approach to the Bible relevant today?
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
Is a spiritual approach to the Bible relevant today? I have spoken about Origen at some length because he is the classic representative of a tradition of interpretation that ‘was the formula for Christian biblical exegesis as it was practised without interruption until the sixtee
Dear Lord, where are the signs of hope
Dear Lord, where are the signs of hope
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – Dear Lord, where are the signs of hope Dear Lord, where are the signs of hope, the echoes of new birth? Where will we find the shafts of light; God’s grace notes for the earth? Could we be what our neighbours need to bring the great Good News? Could we reveal the love of G
Recovering from Depression - Prologue: A meditation on approaching Easter